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Employee Spotlight: Lily Caffrey-Levine, Marketing Manager

October 21, 2020
Lily Caffrey-Levine

At Cloud Construct, we are a talented and fun-loving group. Though we all work remotely from our homes each day, we still maintain a high level of camaraderie through daily conversations, virtual happy hours, and work together days (when safe to do so).

In the next installment of the Employee Spotlight Series, meet Lily Caffrey-Levine, our Marketing Manager. Lily talked to us about her love of music, her role on the marketing team, and more. After starting at Cloud this past June, we are excited for you to learn more about her!

Meet Lily!

Cloud Construct: Before working at Cloud Construct, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

Lily Caffrey-Levine: I don’t know that it’s unusual or interesting, but I always loved waitressing and bartending. It wasn’t always easy, but it was always fun running around and meeting so many different people from all over the place.

CC: What is your role at Cloud Construct?

LCL: I am a marketing manager. Basically, I manage social media accounts and internal marketing.

CC: Where is your hometown?

LCL: Boston, MA. I've been to 11 championship parades in 22 years! *cue eyeroll from everyone else*

CC: What places have you lived in?

LCL: I’ve lived in Boston, Florence, Italy, Poughkeepsie, New York, and New York City.

CC: If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it

LCL: One time I said this to a friend and they told me that is what I should title my memoir, so it would be “I’m Playing it Minute-by-Minute.”

CC: What book did you read last?

LCL: I’m currently reading “Blink” by Malcom Gladwell. It is super interesting and different from the genres I usually read.

CC: What has been your favorite project at Cloud Construct?

LCL: It has been really cool to see how ScootRoute has really taken off. It’s a great idea that I think will do people a lot of good and it’s cool to see something Cloud built take off like it has.

CC: What is your favorite sport?

LCL: Basketball and baseball.

CC: If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why?

LCL: I would love to get to sit down and talk with Bill Russell. His attitude towards basketball and different social issues has always been really interesting to me.

CC: What do you find the most challenging at Cloud Construct?

LCL: This is probably an unpopular opinion, and more pandemic related since we would have had work togethers, but being completely remote, I find I really miss being around different people throughout the day and changing the scenery. Working remotely has huge benefits, but I like being on the move a lot, commuting, going into the office, changing scenery throughout the day.

CC: If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

LCL: No doubt it would be nachos, and if you asked anyone I know, they would come up with the same answer in seconds.

CC: What celebrity do people think you look like?

LCL: I have been told Lily James and Allyson Stoner.

CC: What is the first concert you attended?

LCL: My parents took me to a Phish concert when I was two years old.

CC: If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?

LCL: I would love to have been at Woodstock. I’m a huge music nerd and so many of the cool moments in music history I love learning about happened there or stemmed from there.

CC: What is the one thing, you can’t live without?

LCL: Music

CC: What is your favorite childhood memory?

LCL: One of my favorite memories is when my parents took me out of school to go skiing in Colorado in May. There was beautiful weather and even though I got pretty bad altitude sickness it was so fun. And since it was so late in the ski season there weren’t a lot of people so we had dinner and watched the Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals completely by ourselves in a restaurant.

CC: Which Marvel Hero would you be and why?

LCL: I am most like Ant-Man, but I would want to be Captain Marvel, since she is just a badass.

CC: What is your favorite movie and book?

LCL: It’s hard to pick, but some of my favorite books are “All that you Leave Behind” by Erin Lee Car and “Bossypants” by Tina Fey. My favorite movie is probably Stand by Me, Ferris Buhler’s Day Off, or She’s the Man.

CC: If you could switch your job with anyone else within Cloud Construct, whose job would you want?

LCL: I think it would be really cool to be a software engineer or an experience developer. I’m not great with the more technical aspects of computers, but I think it is so intricate and interesting and would be really cool to understand that better.

CC: What TV show/movie are you ashamed to admit you love?

LCL: The Bachelor and Bachelorette, I actually watched it last night thinking “this is not good or entertaining, why am I watching it?”

CC: What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?

LCL: 5 years ago, the answer to this would have been “do your homework and get better grades,” but now I have really learned how that really wasn’t the important part of school, or life, or where I was actually learning what I needed to. So, my answer today would be, work really hard at what you love doing.

CC: How has Cloud Construct helped you in your career development?

LCL: Being completely remote requires one to be creative with their work space and time management, so I have grown a lot in that sense.

CC: When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?

LCL: I don’t remember exactly, but both my parents and grandparents are extremely funny—especially when they’re together—and I am always laughing when I’m with them.

CC: Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

LCL: I went to Iceland a few years ago and it is the absolute coolest. The cities were small but really fun, and outside of the cities it felt like being on a different planet.

CC: If you could only drink one beer for the rest of your life, what would it be?

LCL: I’m big into Downeast Cider, any flavor.

CC: Where is your favorite place to eat?

LCL: La Morra in Brookline!

CC: Motto or personal mantra?

LCL: My persnal motto would be: Work hard, be nice to everyone, laugh often, overuse your “I love you’s,” and don’t take things too seriously.

Author Photo
Lily Caffrey-Levine
Marketing Manager
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