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Inspiration @ Cloud, Week 18 of 2018

May 11, 2018
Mike Munnelly

Cool stuff we saw this week:



Summer is coming, and I just put the skis away- but I think Killington is still open this weekend if this gives you any ideas...

This has a great feel for a ski resort site.  There is a nice layout of current conditions on the homepage, upfront and easily visible and the foldout menu(s) from main navigation unpacks all of the year round options and services. This is something many resorts struggle with in the northeast as they expand into year round offerings in a winter only navigation.

We liked the homepage transitions, they're a nice touch for the experience and all the information is clear and easy to follow and read. I'm often baffled about how many clicks it takes to get to the rates or opening times when I'm debating nearby mountains and how long/ early I can convince the kids to get up and drive. In those stressful times I just need the info quickly.

The Menu icons for email, maps, directions and ski report are a a nice touch and easy to guess with a hover to guide you. Information design is clear too, as the
The typographic hierarchy is really well done and makes the text easy to understand which is important.  The layout of most of the pages is a unique approach compared to usual websites.  They take their space, but make good use of it and it comes across as very on-brand and laid back


WIth snow and mountains as the theme this week-  Alex shared this concept he found.  There is a solid transition from landing page to the details about the mountain range, and overall the idea has a great flow. It works with the concept of a mountain, with the clouds forming to be the transition from image to main text. The main transitions have a nice vertical rise to them which also relates to a mountain/mountain range. Sometimes the concepts are a great jumping off point for our own work, we could see this applying to other sites as well.

Author Photo
Mike Munnelly
Chief Executive Officer
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